Richard A. Guarini July 1990 to June 1991 He was installed as the tenth Grand Knight in a year that saw the council observe its tenth anniversary with a mass celebrated by Bishop Edward U. Kmiec, Auxiliary Bishop of Trenton and New Jersey State Chaplain of our order One hundred thirty brothers, guests and friends, including 35 charter members attended a gala dinner festivity on December 8, 1990. The council honored Sheriff Gilbert Lugossy with the Shield Award. The Parish Center opened during the year giving the council anew meeting place: New successful fund raisers were started - the Christmas wreath sale, directed by Joe Palazzone, and Entertainment Book sale, led .by Herb McMullen. On February 24th, President Bush ordered a ground assault to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi control. In the largest land operation since World War II, known as Operation Desert Storm, an international coalition force, led by U.S. General H. Norman-Schwarzkopf, liberated Kuwait in 100 hours. The council also initiated a Holy Hour prayer service on Holy Thursday evening, with emphasis on our departed brothers.