Serving as the 34th Grand Knight, Ed continued to build on the theme of PGK Tim McGough's term of "To Serve, Not to be Served". One of the most important things to him was family. He always impressed upon others "family first". A couple years prior to his term one of the local school districts reached out to see if we could help with a few gifts for some needy families. Not only was he able to provide a few gifts, he rallied the Brothers to adopt families. Those first couple years we helped 23 families have a Christmas. The spirit of giving culminated during his term as GK in getting a family with nine children out of a shelter and into home of their own and delivered a box truck full of furniture and accessories that were collected through the generosity of the Council and parish. This sparked the Council to adopt a budgeted line item called "Families in Need" where money is budgeted and donated into it for families. When asked what the proudest moment of his term was he responded "Firstly, I could not have done any of this without the love and support of my wife, Jeannette. As far as my proudest time as an officer was being able to bring my oldest son Jake into the council while a GK and then bringing in my youngest, Sam, while a Trustee."