Grand Knight: (GK) Responsible for all council activities. Managers all operations of the Council. Presides at all Council Meetings, Appoints Activity Chairman upon recommendation by the District Grand Knight (DGK). Selects Family of the Month and Knight of the Month based on recommendation by the DGK.
Chaplain: Guides spiritual aspects of the council. Presents a spiritual message to the council at meetings and through a monthly newsletter column. Celebrates Mass before one business meetings per month. Celebrates quarterly Communion Mass.
Deputy Grand Knight: (DGK) Assists the Grand Knight. Serves as the Program Director, overseeing the Five Program Activity Directors. Recommends Family of the Month and Knight of the Month and responsible for numerous reports.
Chancellor: Serves as the Chairman of the Membership Committee. Oversees Recruiting and Retention. Coordinates the Vocational Program.
Financial Secretary: (FS) Manages and accounts for all council funds. Generates all financial statements for State/Supreme Councils. Orders supplies from the Supreme Council. Appointed by the GK. Responsible for billing and collection of dues. Has significant duties in honoring deceased Brother Knights
Treasurer: (TR) Receives and dispersers council funds. Managers’ council checking accounts and savings portfolio. Prepares yearly and monthly budget.
Advocate: Oversees parliamentary conduct of the meetings. Provides advice to the GK regarding motions etc. during meetings.
Warden: Managers council property and Warden’s fund. Ensures meeting rooms are prepared for both business meeting and First Degree ceremonies. Provides refreshments and conducts raffles at business meetings.
Lecturer: Arranges for guest speakers and other informational presentations for the members at business meetings. Appointed by GK.
Recorder: Documents and reports Council activities and correspondence. Maintains Council files.
Guards: (Inside/Outside): Assists the Warden in the set-up of the Hall prior to and after meetings and at other council functions.
Trustees: Advises the GK in Council management. Conduct semi-annual audits of the Council and warden’s financial records.